

Herding is fun and a great social activity. It gets you outdoors, keeps you active and is good exercise for all involved. Herding will intensify the relationship between you and your dog. It's a great pleasure to watch dogs perform the basic farm work they once were used for. Ask any handler and they will describe the satisfaction in learning to work your own dog.

Herding is complex and very challenging to learn, but well worth the effort!

Herding Training

Training is held by two Affiliates at DOGS NSW Grounds, 44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills, most weekends from March to November.

NSW Herding Association of NSW Inc
The NSW Herding Association Inc holds training every Saturday, from the First week in March to the end of November - 9.00am to 11.30am for beginners. All Members 9.00am to 3.00pm.
New members TBA.
In Summer there is a heat policy: if the temperature reaches 30 degrees, training or trial must cease.

Contact: Secretary Dr Evelyn Hall - Email:[email protected]
Facebook Page: NSW Herding Association.

Australian Stock Dog Club Of NSW Inc

The Australian Stock Dog Club of NSW Inc holds training on Sundays at Cobbitty, from the First week in March to the end of November - 9.00am to 11.30am for beginners. All other Members 9.00am to 3.00pm.
In Summer there is a heat policy: if the temperature reaches 30 degrees, training or trial must cease.
Contact: [email protected]
Facebook Page: ASD of NSW. Financial members only.

More Information

Herding FAQ
Committee: Key contacts
Results: Recent winners
Shows & Trials Guide: What's on the event calendar?

Bearded Collie Club Of NSW
Contact: Secretary Mrs L Brandt. Email: [email protected] – Mobile: 0408 414 361

Border Collie Club Of NSW Inc
Contact: Trial Secretary, Lynne Cook. Email: [email protected] - Mobile 0416382138


