Compliance Investigative Panel

Committee Members

Chairman: Mr Guy Spagnolo - Ph: 0405 106 279 - E: [email protected]

Committee Member: Mr John Bryson - Ph: 0400 743 272 - E: [email protected]
Committee Member: Mrs Toni Comerford - Ph: 0431 220 815 - E: [email protected]
Committee Member: Mr John Comerford - Ph: 0438 666 505 - E: [email protected]

Committee Member: Mrs Jeanie Montford- Ph: 0412 749 747 - E: [email protected]
Committee Member: Mr Brad Santas - Ph: 0423 295 036 - E: [email protected]

Meetings are held at:

Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs
44 Luddenham Road
Orchard Hills NSW

Inspections & Procedure Rationale

DOGS NSW Regulations Part I-The Register & Registration, Section 23: Inspection of Dogs

Please be advised that recently, there has been an addition to the DOGS NSW Regulations Part 1-The Register & Registration.

This change is in regard to the inspection of all Breeds, however, in particular, French & British Bulldogs.

The Full changes to the Regulations can be viewed on the following here

The requirement for Inspections is determined by the DOGS NSW Compliance Investigative Panel (CIP), who have been appointed by the DOGS NSW Board of Directors to ensure that all dogs and bitches on the ANKC Ltd Main Register comply with their relevant Breed Standard.

There are monthly inspections held at the DOGS NSW Complex, on the 4th Wednesday of every month, between 3.00pm and 4.00pm should any Metropolitan Member require an inspection.

For those members that are unable to attend the monthly inspections due to distance, a verification is able to be arranged through the Office.


At a recent meeting, the Board of Directors, by way of recommendation form the CIP, the following:-

THAT the Country Inspection process be amended to have one DOGS NSW approved Member, i.e., a Licensed Judge, approved MEPP Supervisors or a Director of the Board, to verify only the dog in question by microchip using a microchip scanner, and that the appropriate form and photographs verifying the dog in question by microchip, along with all correspondence, be sent via email to the Compliance Investigative Panel for a resolution on colour.

This will mean that a member who requires an inspection is able to meet in a public place with a Licensed Judge, Director of the Board or an Approved Member, where the verifier will only identify the dog in question by scanning their microchip and cross checking with the dog's Pedigree; then a clear, colour photograph will be taken, in full sunlight of the subject dog.

For further information, please contact the Office at [email protected]
