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Dogs Australia Regulations Part 9 - Non Resident Judges Amendment - Effective January 2025


In accordance with Item 7.5.13 of the October 2024 Board meeting minutes, the following amendments have been made to Sections 1 and 2 of Regulations Part 9 – Non Resident Judges and these amendments will be effective from 1 January 2025.


  1. General Regulations– All Judges

1.1        A Non Resident Judge must be able to verbally communicate with exhibitors to a degree that their directions and decisions are clearly understood or have a competent interpreter.

1.2        If a Non-Resident Judge is unable to read English, the Club Affiliate or Organisation conducting the event is to provide an assurance that all ANKC Ltd Rules, Regulations, Policies, Procedures and breed standards have either been translated in writing into a language understood by the Non-Resident Judge or communicated orally. The assurance, signed by both the Affiliate or Organisation and the judge, must accompany the application.

1.3        The Affiliate conducting the show must have some knowledge of the Non Resident Judge and their background and ability to judge.


  1. Regulations – Conformation Judges

2.1        A Non-Resident Judge must be approved and have awarded in their Country of Residence Challenge Certificates, or their equivalent to a minimum of 70% of the Major breeds* in each group as per the ANKC Ltd recognised Group/Breed list. A judge approved to judge 70% of the major breeds within a Group may judge the whole or part of the Group if split. (05/05) (Amended 10/22, 5.2, Effective 01/01/2023)


2.1        Unless forbidden by the Regulations of their Country of residence, for a Non-Resident Judge to be approved to judge Group Specials in Australia, but not the individual breeds for which they are not approved at breed level, they must be approved and have awarded in their Country of Residence Challenge Certificates or their equivalent, to a minimum of 70% of the Major breeds* in each group as per the ANKC Ltd recognised Group/Breed list.


*Major Breed a breed that has an average of 60 plus registrations over the last 3 years as recorded on the Dogs Australia Website.


2.1.1     Best in Show at Championship or CACIB Shows can only be judged by judges who are approved to judge Best in Show in their Country of Residence, provided that judge is approved by ANKC Ltd to judge at least 4 Group Specials in Australia


Alternatively, should a judge from a non FCI Country be able to judge 70% of the Breeds in each of the 7 Groups as per the ANKC Ltd recognized Group/Breed list, the ANKC Ltd may then grant permission for that judge to judge Best in Show. FCI Judges Regulation 2 e prevents this alternative being applied to FCI Judges.


Delete current 2.2 as it is a duplication of current 2.1

2.2. A Non-Resident Judge must be approved and have awarded in their Country of Residence Challenge Certificates, or their equivalent. to a minimum of 70% of the Breeds in each group as per the ANKC Ltd recognised Group/Breed list. A judge approved to judge 70% of the breeds within a Group may judge the whole or part of the Group if split. (05/05)


2.2       Notwithstanding the provisions in 2.1 the following Regulations are currently applied by individual National Canine Organisations.



In accordance with FCI Show Regulations 2 e, judges from FCI National Canine Organisations may under no circumstances agree to judge a breed at any show for which they are not approved by their own NCO (National Canine Organization) and for which they are not listed in the FCI Judges Directory. The same applies for judging at Best in Group and Best in Show level.


When seeking approval to judge at an FCI International Show in Australia, a Non-Resident Judge may only apply to award the CACIB to breeds for which they are individually listed in the FCI Judges Directory, failing to comply with this requirement will result in the FCI invalidating the confirmation of the CACIBs incorrectly awarded. For non CACIB breeds listed in Appendix A to these Regulations, including the Australasian Bosdog, Murray Valley Retriever and Tenterfield Terrier, approval may be granted to award Challenges after the judge completes an ANKC Ltd Open Book Examination* on those breeds.


Canadian Kennel Club (CKC)

CKC Licensed judges are permitted to judge at Championship Shows in foreign countries and issue Challenge Certificates only for breeds that they are licenced for in Canada.


For breeds that are not recognised in Canada, that are listed in Appendix A to these Regulations, including the Australasian Bosdog Murray Valley Retriever, and Tenterfield Terrier, approval may be granted to award Challenges, after the judge completes an ANKC Ltd Open Book Examination* on those breeds.


At FCI International CACIB Shows CKC judges are only allowed to judge and award CACIB’s to the breeds that they are approved to judge at Championship Shows in Canada. For breeds that are not recognised in Canada but are recognised by both ANKC Ltd and the FCI on a definitive basis, and are listed in Appendix A to these Regulations, including the Australasian Bosdog Murray Valley Retriever, and Tenterfield Terrier, approval may be granted to award Challenges, after the judge completes an ANKC Ltd Open Book Examination* on those breeds.


The Royal Kennel Club (UK)

Where an applicant is approved by the Royal Kennel Club, to judge a group or Groups at Championship Show level, and has Open Show experience or has issued Challenge Certificates outside England, subject to compliance with 2.1, may be approved to judge at Group level in Australia for those groups/breeds so qualified, subject to the Non-Resident Judge providing the details required, listed as follows:

(a) Date of Open / FCI / Green Star Shows

(b) Name of Show

(c) List of Breed/s judged

(d) Number of Dogs judged in each Breed

(e) List of “any other variety” breeds judged together with the number of dogs in each breed judged.

The above information is to be provided with the initial application for approval.


At FCI International CACIB Shows RKC judges are only allowed to judge and award CACIB’s to the breeds that are recognised by the FCI on a definitive basis and that they are approved to judge and award Challenges to at Championship Shows in the United Kingdom.


For breeds that are not recognised by the Royal Kennel Club, listed in Appendix A to these Regulations, including the Australasian Bosdog, Murray Valley Retriever and Tenterfield Terrier, approval may be granted to award Challenges after the judge completes an ANKC Ltd Open Book Examination* on those breeds.


American Kennel Club (AKC)

AKC Licensed judges are permitted to judge at Championship Shows in overseas countries and issue Challenge Certificates only for breeds that they are licenced for in the USA. For Miscellaneous and FSS (Foundation Stock Service Breeds) and breeds that are not recognised by the AKC, listed in Appendix B to these Regulations including the Australasian Bosdog, Murray Valley Retriever and Tenterfield Terrier, approval may be granted to award Challenges after the judge completes an ANKC Ltd Open Book Examination* on those breeds.


At FCI International shows, AKC judges are eligible to judge and award the CACIB provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:


  1. The breeds they are scheduled to judge are recognized by the AKC (this does not include Miscellaneous and FSS.
  2. They are allowed, under AKC regulations, to judge the breeds in question at AKC events and award them championship points.


For Miscellaneous and FSS and breeds that are not recognised by the AKC but are recognised by both ANKC Ltd and the FCI on a definitive basis and listed in Appendix B to these Regulations including the Australasian Bosdog, Murray Valley Retriever and Tenterfield Terrier, approval may be granted to award Challenges after the judge completes an ANKC Ltd Open Book Examination* on those breeds.


NB *Open Book Examinations will be compiled by the Overseas Judges Approval Board, will be available on the Dogs Australia Website, the completed examinations must accompany the initial application for approval


2.3 Now not relevant, delete in its entirety

2.3. Where a Non Resident Judge has been invited to judge a single breed, or up to three breeds at any one show then that person must be approved and have awarded in their Country of residence Challenge Certificates, or their equivalent, for that or all breeds to be judged. Where the two and/or three breeds comprise the whole show and a Non Resident Judge has been invited to judge Best in Show at the show, the Non Resident Judge must be approved and have awarded in their Country of residence Challenge Certificates to one of the breeds and must have Open Show experience in each of the other breeds, to be approved to judge Best in Show. The Open Show experience must be at least three (3) shows per breed, with a total number of dogs judged for each breed to be at least 100. (10/99)


Delete current 2.4 now covered by 2.1.1

2.4. Best In Show can only be judged by judges who are approved to judge Best In Show in their Country of Residence, provided that judge is approved by ANKC Ltd to judge at least 3 Group Specials in Australia. (05/05) 2.4.1. Alternatively should the judge be able to judge 70% of the Breeds in each of the 7 Groups as per the ANKC Ltd recognized Group/Breed list, the ANKC Ltd may then grant permission for that judge to judge Best in Show. (05/05) 2.4.2. Where a judge conforms with 2.1 that judge may judge Group Specials. (05/05)


Delete Current 2.5 now covered by 2.2

2.5. Where an applicant is approved by the Kennel Club England to judge a group or Groups at Championship Show level, and has Open Show experience or has issued Challenge Certificates outside England may be approved to judge at Group level in Australia for those groups/breeds so qualified, subject to the Non Resident Judge providing the details required, listed as follows: (a) Date of Open / FCI / Green Star Shows (b) Name of Show (c) List of Breed/s judged (d) Number of Dogs judged in each Breed (e) List of “any other variety” breeds judged together with the number of dogs in each breed judged. The above information is to be provided with the initial application for approval of an Overseas Judge (05/05)


2.5 Renumbered

2.3       Where an application has been received from a Non Resident Judge who has previously been approved by their Country of Residence's Controlling Body to award Challenge Certificates, or their equivalent, in their Country of Residence, and are currently on an "inactive" list due to being employed by their Controlling Body, and their Country's Rules and Regulations prevent them from judging in their Country of Residence, they may be approved to judge in Australia, subject to:


2.3.1     The person has awarded Challenge Certificates, or their equivalent, in their Country of Residence within the previous ten [10] years, and; 

2.3.2    The person has judged the breeds they are seeking approval for within the last three [3] years at a recognised show conducted under the auspice of a recognised Controlling Body.


2.4       Judges who have moved their country of residence and are not approved to judge some or all the breeds in their new country of residence that they were approved to judge in their original country of residence, will be eligible to be approved by the ANKC Ltd to judge the breeds they were approved to judge in their original country of residence.  Judges, who have been licenced by a neighbouring Country which is not their Country of Residence, shall be allowed to Judge on furnishing documentation from their Country of Residence and their Country of Licence. (05/05)


2.5       A Non Resident Judge approved on a provisional permit or apprentice basis is not eligible for approval to Judge at Championship Shows in Australia for those breeds or Groups subject to such provisional permit or apprenticeship.


2.8 Now not relevant, delete in its entirety

2.8. A Non-Resident Judge on their first judging assignment in Australia will not be permitted to judge more than four shows in one state/territory on his first tour.


Copies of Appendix A and B as referenced in the amendments above are included in the regulations.


The Dogs Australia website has been updated and the amended regulations can be viewed at:


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Dogs Australia - Part 2, Section 3 Amendment: Effective January 2025


In accordance with Item 7.5.6 of the October 2024 Board meeting minutes, the following amendments have been made to Section 3 of Regulations Part 2 - Judges and these amendments will be effective from 1 July 2025.


Currently reads:

3.2       The number of dogs any one judge may judge on any day (excluding Group and General Specials) is 250 exhibits, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body. (09/71) (Amended 10/12 – 7.5.3, 10/13 – 5.6.4) (Amended 10/17, 7.5.7 – Effective 01/01/18)

Amended to read:

3.2.1    The number of dogs any one judge may judge on any day where that judge is only contracted to judge no more than 1 Group (excluding Group and General Specials) is 250 exhibits including Sweepstakes Classes, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body. (09/71) (Amended 10/12 – 7.5.3, 10/13 – 5.6.4) (Amended 10/17, 7.5.7 – Effective 01/01/18)

3.2.2    Where a Judge is contracted to judge more than 1 Group on any day (excluding Group and General Specials) is 200 exhibits including Sweepstakes Classes, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body.


The Dogs Australia website has been updated and the amended regulations can be viewed at:

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Dogs Australia Regulations Part 6 - The Register & Registration Clause Amendment: Effective 1 July 2025


In accordance with Item 5.6 of the October 2024 Board meeting minutes, Clause of Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration has been amended as follows and will be effective from 1 July 2025.


Currently reads:   Effective from 1 January 2016

no ‘Merle’ Chihuahuas can be registered on any register and a ‘Merle’ Chihuahua imported into Australia cannot be registered on any register. (10/15, 6.4)


Amended to read:   Effective from 1 July 2025

Merle, Chihuahuas can only be registered on the Limited Register and notated “Never to be upgraded” once proof of breed purity and parentage has been confirmed by DNA profile.


The Dogs Australia website has been updated and the amended regulations can be viewed at:

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AMENDMENTS TO DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show, Section 10: Prizes & Prize Money



THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part II- Show, Section 10:  Prizes & Prize Money, Clause 10.4(b) - Open Show Prizes, which reads as follows:-

10.4   (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

(b)       At an All Breeds Parade, Open Show or Sanction Show and a Breed Specialty Championship Show held under the regulations the following shall apply:-

(i)         There shall be at least one Trophy, Cash or Voucher and Sash or Rosette, for each in Show Award as follows (07/24):-

Trophy Minimum Value


Best in Show


Runner Up Best in Show


All Classes in show


Best Neuter in Show


Runner Up Neuter in Show

and Neuter Class in Show

Trophy, and a sash or rosette, given at discretion of the Affiliate running the show.

*Vouchers are to be claimed within six (6) months or value of voucher will be returned to Club (07/24)


(ii)       There shall be at least one trophy for each 'In Group' Award as follows: (02/11)

Trophy Minimum Value


Best in Group


Runner Up Best in Group


All Classes in Group


Best Neuter in Group


Runner Up Best Neuter in Group

and Neuter Class in Group

Trophy, and a sash or rosette, given at discretion of the Affiliate running the show.


Be amended to read:-


10.4   (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

(b)       At an All Breeds Parade, Open Show or Sanction Show and a Breed Specialty Championship Show held under the regulations the following shall apply (11/24):-

(i)         There shall be at least one Trophy, Cash or Voucher and Sash or Rosette, for each in Show Award as follows (07/24):-

Trophy Minimum Value

$15.00 (11/24)

Best in Show


Runner Up Best in Show


All Classes in show


Best Neuter in Show


Runner Up Neuter in Show

and Neuter Class in Show

Trophy, and a sash or rosette, given at discretion of the Affiliate running the show.

*Vouchers are to be claimed within six (6) months or value of voucher will be returned to Club (07/24)


(ii)       There shall be at least one trophy for each 'In Group' Award as follows is at the discretion of the Affiliate: (11/24)

Trophy Minimum Value


Best in Group


Runner Up Best in Group


All Classes in Group


Best Neuter in Group


Runner Up Best Neuter in Group

and Neuter Class in Group

Trophy, and a sash or rosette, given at discretion of the Affiliate running the show.






THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part II- Show, Section 10:  Prizes & Prize Money, Clause 10.4(a) - Open Show Prizes, which reads as follows:-

10.4   (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

(a)       At an All Breeds Championship Show and a *Group Championship Show held under the Regulations the following shall apply:-

  1. There shall be at least one Trophy, Cash or Voucher and a Sash or Rosette, for each ‘in Show' Award as follows (09/24):-


Be amended to read:-

10.4   (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

(a)       At an All Breeds, Semi Specialty and Breed Specialty Championship Show and a *Group Championship Showheld under the Regulations the following shall apply (11/24):-



The full Regulations can be found here.

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National Code of Practice of Responsible Dog Ownership - Amendment


Please note Clause 11 in the National Code of Practice of Responsible Dog Ownership has been amended in accordance with Item 5.8 in the October 2024 Board meeting minutes.


The Dogs Australia website has been updated, and the amended Code of Practice can be viewed at:

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From Dogs Australia - Regulation Updates



In accordance with Item 5.30 of the October 2024 Board meeting minutes, Regulations Part 6 – The Register & Registration Clause 3.2 (d) has been amended and is effective from 19 October 2024.



The Dogs Australia website has been updated and the amended regulations can be viewed at:





In accordance with Item 7.5.5 of the October 2024 Board meeting minutes, Clause 10.12 has been amended as follows and this amendment will be effective from 1 January 2025.


Currently reads:


Section 10.12 Sire and Dam of Merit (Added 06/24, 5.4 - effective 01/01/ 2025)

10.12.1 Sire of Merit (SOM) - A dog that has produced at least ten (10) Conformation Champion offspring. 

10.12.2 Dam of Merit (DOM) - A bitch that has produced at least five (5) Conformation Champion offspring. 

10.12.3 At least 1 of the conformation Champion titles (CH, GRCH, SUPCH, CIB, A2O) must have been awarded after the implementation date (01 January 2025).


Amended to read:


Section 10.12 Sire and Dam of Merit (Added 06/24, 5.4 - effective 01/01/ 2025)

10.12.1 Sire of Merit (SOM) - A dog that has produced at least ten (10) Conformation Champion offspring. 

10.12.2 Dam of Merit (DOM) - A bitch that has produced at least five (5) Conformation Champion offspring. 

10.12.3 At least 1 of the conformation Champion titles (all conformation titles are included) must have been awarded after the implementation date (01 January 2025).


The Dogs Australia website has been updated and the amended regulations can be viewed at:


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From Dogs Australia ANKC Ltd Constitution - Amendments - Effective 1 January 2025


In accordance with Item 7.4 and 7.5 of the Annual General Meeting, the following amendments to the constitution were endorsed and will be effective from 1 January 2025.

ANKC Ltd Constitution – Amendment to Part 1 Objects & Related Matters, Clause 3(t)

Currently reads:-
(t)      To collect, verify and publish information relating to Dogs registered in the Register of Associate Dogs and of Exhibitions of such Dogs.

Amended to read:-
(t)      To collect, verify and publish information relating to Dogs registered in the Register of Associate and Sporting Dogs and of Exhibitions of such Dogs.

ANKC Ltd Constitution – Amendment to Part II Objects & Related Matters, Clause 9:  Definitions and Interpretation

Constitution of ANKC Ltd, Part II:  Objects & Related Matters, Clause 9: Definitions and Interpretation, be amended by the inclusion of an additional Definition for “Sporting Register Dogs”, as follows:-

9.  Definitions and Interpretation
“Sporting Dog” means a Dog that is registered with a Dogs Australia recognised Working Dog Association or Kindred Body that caters for Working, Sporting or Performance Dogs.

The updated constitution document can be viewed from the Dogs Australia website by clicking here.

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From Dogs Australia: FCI Circular 57/2021 - Cropped/ Docked Dogs of Breeds customarily Cropped /Docked ~ Reminder


The Dogs Australia Executive Committee has requested for the following email, which was circulated in December 2021, regarding FCI Circular 57/2021, to be recirculated (click on link below), to alert all Member Bodies that the effective date of this FCI decision is 1 January 2025 and will only apply to FCI Shows.

Further, the FCI Executive Director, Mr Yves De Clercq, has advised there is no FCI position on cases where a dog has had a damaged tail and it has been docked.  He further clarified that it will depend on the Judges and the host country/national canine organisation law.  If, for example, a Dobermann with a docked tail enters the ring, then it will be up to the Judge to decide what to do in case he is provided with a duly-signed veterinary certificate.

Click here to view the Circular.

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Dogs Australia AGM & Board Meeting 2024


Please find a summary of the Dogs Australia AGM and Board Meetings held October 2024 here. Click here for Appendix A & B.

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From Dogs Australia: Increase to Overseas Judges Application


In accordance with Item 7.3 of the October 2024 Annual General Meeting, the fees for Overseas Judges’ approvals will be as follows effective from 1 July 2025. 

$121.00 - Applications lodged 9 months prior to the show
$231.00 – Applications lodged less than 9 months prior to the show

The above fees include Dogs Australia obtaining verification of the qualifications of the judge and are GST inclusive and will apply for all applications received by the Dogs Australia office from 1 July 2025.

A new fee of $33.00 (inclusive of GST) will be introduced from 1 July 2025 for each request to amend an existing approval.

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