News and updates

Dogs Australia AGM & Board Meeting 2024


Please find a summary of the Dogs Australia AGM and Board Meetings held October 2024 here. Click here for Appendix A & B.

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From Dogs Australia: Increase to Overseas Judges Application


In accordance with Item 7.3 of the October 2024 Annual General Meeting, the fees for Overseas Judges’ approvals will be as follows effective from 1 July 2025. 

$121.00 - Applications lodged 9 months prior to the show
$231.00 – Applications lodged less than 9 months prior to the show

The above fees include Dogs Australia obtaining verification of the qualifications of the judge and are GST inclusive and will apply for all applications received by the Dogs Australia office from 1 July 2025.

A new fee of $33.00 (inclusive of GST) will be introduced from 1 July 2025 for each request to amend an existing approval.

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2024 Board Elections


At its November 2024 meeting, the following board positions were declared elected:-

President: Mrs Lyn Brand
Senior Vice President: Mr Stephen Oliver
Vice President: Ms Sharon Hannigan
Vice President: Mr John Bryson
Vice President: Ms S McFadden

The above Directors now form the DOGS NSW Executive Committee.

The full contact list for Directors, along with the updated Schedule of Elections, can be accessed on the DOGS NSW website by clicking here.

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From DOGS NSW Media & Government Legislation Committee


Government Legislation & POCTAA (Puppy Farming) Bill 2024

As members were advised yesterday (24 October 2024) in the DOGS NSW Special Notice the (POCTAA Bill) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Puppy Farming) Bill 2024 was introduced in NSW Parliament by the Hon. Tara Moriarty (Minister for Agriculture).

The Bill will be debated in Parliament at the next sitting which will be 12 November 2024.

Members who have concerns in areas in the Bill should lobby their State Members over the next two weeks.

Please CLICK HERE to view the Proposed Bill.

Please CLICK HERE to view The Hon. Tara Moriarty Speech / POCTAA Amendment (Puppy Farming) Bill 2024.

DOGS NSW Media & Government Legislation Committee Involvement

DOGS NSW Media & Government Legislation Committee has met and made several representations to the Office of the Department of Primary Industries and attended a face-to-face meeting with the Minister for Agriculture, advising how DOGS NSW members are breeders under our Code of Ethics.

In this Government Media Release, the areas of concern to DOGS NSW are:-
•    the determination of a “fertile female” at the age of 6 months
•   the proposed legislation numerically places a cap on breeders of 20 “fertile females” per premise, so young females that are not eligible for breeding would be counted in the number of allowed “fertile females”.
•   Staff numbers would also be introduced, eg, one staff carer for every 20 adult dogs.

DOGS NSW Representatives at all times, have firmly refused to accept calling a female a “fertile female” at the age of 6 months, as many breeders run on pups from a litter in order to assess the better quality and to health test at the ages required within our Code of Ethics - they cannot be considered a breeding female under our DOGS NSW Code of Ethics.

It will be mandatory for all breeders to apply for a BIN (breeder identification number).  This will place the breeder on a Breeder Register under the Pet Registry.  

Commercial breeding over the above numerical limit will not be permitted. Current breeders who have over 20 fertile females will have 10 years to have the number reduced to the 20 (under an exemption request).  There is no exemption for commercial breeding on already approved, existing, premises that have complied with local Government requirements (except to reduce the numbers to 20 within 10 years).

Please CLICK HERE to view DOGS NSW Media Release to the proposed Bill.
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DOGS NSW Western Regional Committee 2023 Annual Report, Annual General Meeting Minutes & Committee Members (Office Bearers)



The 2023 Annual Report and Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting can be viewed by clicking here.


The current Committee Members (Office Bearers) are as follows:-

PRESIDENT:                        BRIAN KEEGAN


SECRETARY:                        GAIL KEEGAN

TREASURER                         KLAUS KECK

COMMITTEE:                       ANNE HICKEY

                                          MARY EATHER

                                          CAROLYN WILLIAMS

                                          LEONIE MONAGHAN


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DOGS NSW Western Region Committee Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting


TIME:        1.00 PM

Nominations for the cancelled August 2024 AGM will remain.

Nominations must be signed by two Western Region Members who are current financial members of DOGS NSW and forwarded to:-

Philip O’Hearn Law Practice, P.O. Box 186, Cessnock, NSW, 2325 and must be received 21 working days prior to the meeting, ie, Saturday 2 November 2024.

Members can participate in the meeting via Zoom Conferencing. Access to the Zoom meeting is as follows:

Topic: Western Region AGM
Time: Nov 23, 2024 01:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here
Meeting ID: 849 4457 6476
Passcode: 847179

The Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting along with the list of current Committee Members will be made available shortly by a separate notice via email.

Important Information on How to Vote

Voting for the 2024 Western Region Elections will be conducted by Vero Voting, providing additional voting methods including electronic, postal votes, SMS and phone voting.  To ensure a smooth process, there are a few things you need to consider, these are outlined below.

Ensure DOGS NSW has your latest address, phone and email in the members’ database.  Are you receiving your Weekly Woof e-Newsletters?  If you are, you are ok.  Most votes will be distributed via email and or SMS from Tuesday 5 November 2024.  If you do not have an email address on the members’ database, Vero Voting will send you a paper postal vote.

Paper ballots are by request only, except for members with no email address.  These are sent to the printers and mailed out with a tight deadline.  All requests for a paper ballot must be received before Friday 8 November 2024.

Your personal information is managed in accordance with the DOGS NSW privacy policy.  Information shared with Vero Voting is for the specific purpose of providing you with the means to participate in the voting process.

Any requests or changes of details must be received by DOGS NSW before Friday 8 November 2024 via [email protected] “Subject line”: Western Region Elections 2024.

Voting instructions and login details are sent directly by Vero Voting.  If you have received an email, SMS, or letter from Vero Voting, please check it for your login details.  If you have misplaced this information, please ring the Vero Voting support line on 1300 702 898, or DOGS NSW by email at [email protected]. When you have conducted your vote, Vero Voting will send you a receipt either via email or SMS.



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2024 RNSWCC Board Elections -Results

As you would be aware, voting for the 2024 Board Elections closed at 12noon on Friday 11 October 2024 and the results were collated by Vero Voting. The results are as follows:-

Metropolitan Region
Mr Angus McIlrath                           518        ELECTED
Mr Phillip Brown                                 293        

Hunter Region
Mr Glen Vernon                                245           ELECTED
Mr Paul York                                       197

Illawarra & South East Region
Mr Kyle Charnock                             277         ELECTED
Mrs Matina Butcher                             182

Northern Region
Mrs Vickie Harris                              144         ELECTED
Mrs Rosemary Privett                          142

Southern Region
Mr Neil Curwen                                  ELECTED UNOPPOSED


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2024 RNSWCC Board Elections -Results

As you would be aware, voting for the 2024 Board Elections closed at 12noon on Friday 11 October 2024 and the results were collated by Vero Voting. The results are as follows:-

Metropolitan Region
Mr Angus McIlrath                           518        ELECTED
Mr Phillip Brown                                 293        

Hunter Region
Mr Glen Vernon                                245           ELECTED
Mr Paul York                                       197

Illawarra & South East Region
Mr Kyle Charnock                             277         ELECTED
Mrs Matina Butcher                             182

Northern Region
Mrs Vickie Harris                              144         ELECTED
Mrs Rosemary Privett                          142

Southern Region
Mr Neil Curwen                                  ELECTED UNOPPOSED


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2024 RNSWCC Board Elections -Results

As you would be aware, voting for the 2024 Board Elections closed at 12noon on Friday 11 October 2024 and the results were collated by Vero Voting. The results are as follows:-

Metropolitan Region
Mr Angus McIlrath                           518        ELECTED
Mr Phillip Brown                                 293        

Hunter Region
Mr Glen Vernon                                245           ELECTED
Mr Paul York                                       197

Illawarra & South East Region
Mr Kyle Charnock                             277         ELECTED
Mrs Matina Butcher                             182

Northern Region
Mrs Vickie Harris                              144         ELECTED
Mrs Rosemary Privett                          142

Southern Region
Mr Neil Curwen                                  ELECTED UNOPPOSED


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DOGS NSW Regulations Part II - Show Amendments Approved @ September Board Meeting


At its September 2024 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the following amendments to DOGS NSW Regulations Part II- Show:-

Clause 10.4 - AMENDED

THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show, 10.4, which currently reads:-

10.4   (08/17)  An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

(a)    At an All Breeds Championship Show and a *Group Championship Show held under the Regulations the following shall apply:-
(I)    There shall be at least one trophy, and a sash or rosette, for each ‘in Show' Award as follows:
(II)   There shall be at least one trophy, and a sash or rosette, for each “In Group” Award as follows:-
(III)  Any gift, presentation, token or insignia (other than spoons, sashes, rosettes, medals or plaques) given in addition to the trophies referred to in (i) and (ii) shall have a minimum value as stated.
Be amended to read:-

10.4   (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.
(a) At an All Breeds Championship Show and a *Group Championship Show held under the Regulations the following shall apply:-
(i)   There shall be at least one Trophy, Cash or Voucher and a Sash or Rosette, for each ‘in Show' Award as follows:
(ii)    There shall be at least one Trophy, Cash or Voucher and a Sash or Rosette, for each “In Group” Award as follows:-
(III)  Any gift, presentation, token or insignia (other than spoons, sashes, rosettes, medals or plaques) given in addition to the trophies referred to in (i) and (ii) shall have a minimum value as stated.

Clause 12.21(a) - AMENDED

THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show, Clause 12.21(a) - Use of a Runner, which reads as follows:-

12.21    Use of Runner by Disabled Person (03/08)

(a)    Upon application, the Board of Directors will consider requests from disabled Members to use the services of a runner, for one or more dogs/breeds, to assist in the exhibition of dogs in conformation Classes. (06/24)

Be amended to read:-

Use of Runner by Disabled Person (03/08)

(a)    Upon application, the Board of Directors will consider requests from disabled Members to use the services of a runner, when required, for one or more dogs/breeds, to assist in the exhibition of dogs in conformation Classes. (09/24)

New Clause 19.6

19.6       Abandonment of Shows
19.6.1   Should a major incident occur where a Committee is forced to cancel a show before its conclusion, any award made at the show prior to the announcement of the cancellation shall stand. (09/24)

Please click here to view the amended Regulations Part II- Show in their entirety.

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