News and updates



The attention of DOGS NSW Regional Committee Secretaries is drawn to DOGS NSW Regulations Part VII-Regions - Meetings, Office Bearers and Related Matters, Duties of Secretary, Clause 1.7(c), which reads as follows:-


Duties of Secretary


1.7      The Regional Secretary shall:

(c)       notify the Secretary in the month of December each year of the date, time and place of each of the 3 Regional Meetings to be held in the ensuing year.


Regional Secretaries are requested to ensure that they comply with the above Regulation.

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2024 Inductees to the Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame

The Dogs Australia Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame pays homage to those PERSONS and DOGS that have made outstanding and significant contributions to the sports of Retrieving or Field Trials.

As Convenor of the Dogs Australia Retrieving & Field Trial Hall of Fame Election Panel, it is with pleasure that I announce the inductees for 2024.


Mr Trevor Stevens
Mr Ron Jackson
Owned & Handled by: Mr Russell Whitechurch

National Retrieving Trial CH Bambillay River Sands CM
Owned by: Mr Byron and Cathy Kendall
Handled by: Byron Kendall

Inductees in the category of Prominent Persons are acknowledged as being exceptional people who have made an outstanding contribution to the sport over an extended period of time.

Inductees in the category of Outstanding Gundogs are recognized for their outstanding achievements in the disciplines of Retrieving or Field Trials.

The Election Panel congratulates the new inductees for 2024.

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From Dogs Australia: Amended Regulations Part 5 - Conformation Shows


Please note Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Shows has been amended in accordance with the June 2024 Special Board meeting minutes – refer to Item 5.1.

These amendments are effective from 1 July 2024.

Dogs Australia website has been updated and the amended Regulations can be viewed by clicking here.  

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Regulations Part 3P - Regulations for the Conduct of SPRINTDOG™ Judges Training & Assessment Program

In accordance with 5.3 of the June 2024 Special Board meeting minutes, the approved Regulations for the Conduct of SprintDog™ Judges Training & Assessment Program, effective from 1 August 2024, is now available from Dogs Australia website. Please click here for Regulations.
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Lastest Amendments to the Regulations Part II -  Show  


THAT Recommendation 8B, which reads as follows, be approved:-

THAT DOGS NSW Regulation Part II-Show, Clause 5.3, be amended as follows:-


5.3       A Journal Advertisement Form for any Recognised Show may be sent to the DOGS NSW Secretary with the Draft Schedule which, at the expense of the body conducting such Show, may be published at least once in the Journal. Such notice shall contain at least the following information: (03/06)

(i)        the name of the Affiliate conducting the Show;

(ii)       the venue of the Show;

(iii)      the date of the Show;

(iv)      the closing date of entries;

(v)       the amount of the Entry Fee;

(vi        the name of the Judge/s:

(vii)     the time of commencement of judging:

(viii)    the order of judging; and

(ix)      the name, address and telephone number of the Show Secretary.



5.3       A Journal Advertisement Form for any Recognised Show may must be sent to the DOGS NSW Secretary with the Draft Schedule which, at the expense of the body conducting such Show, may be published at least once in the Journal. Such notice shall contain at least the following information: (03/06)

(i)        the name of the Affiliate conducting the Show;

(ii)       the venue of the Show;

(iii)      the date of the Show;

(iv)      the closing date of entries;

(v)       the amount of the Entry Fee;

(vi        the name of the Judge/s:

(vii)     the time of commencement of judging:

(viii)    the order of judging; and

(ix)      the name, address and telephone number of the Show Secretary.




THAT Recommendation 2, which reads as follows, be approved:-

THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show, Clause 10.4, be amended as follows:



10.4    (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

**       A Category A Club is one which at its equivalent show in the previous year achieved an entry in excess of 500 dogs or one which has been declared by the DOGS NSW Show Committee to be one at the time of approving a change of show date.

***     A Category B Club is one which at its equivalent show in the previous year achieved an entry of 500 dogs or less or a Club which did not conduct an event in the previous year.

The Category applicable to an event is to be shown in the Prizes section of any advertisement for the show, eg, Category A Trophy & Sash.

(b)       At an All Breeds Parade, Open Show or Sanction Show and a Breed Specialty Championship Show held under the regulations the following shall apply:-

(i)        There shall be at least one trophy, and a sash or rosette, for each in Show Award as follows:-

Trophy Minimum Value


Best in Show


Runner Up Best in Show


All Classes in Show


Best Neuter in Show


Runner Up Neuter in Show and Neuter Class in Show

Trophy, and a sash or rosette, given at discretion of the Affiliate running the show.



10.4    (08/17) An Affiliate shall be responsible for each prize or the monetary value thereof offered for competition at a Show conducted by it.

**       A Category A Club is one which at its equivalent show in the previous year achieved an entry in excess of 500 dogs or one which has been declared by the DOGS NSW Show Committee to be one at the time of approving a change of show date.

***     A Category B Club is one which at its equivalent show in the previous year achieved an entry of 500 dogs or less or a Club which did not conduct an event in the previous year.

The Category applicable to an event is to be shown in the Prizes section of any advertisement for the show, eg, Category A Trophy, Cash or Voucher and Sash or Rosette.

(b)       At an All Breeds Parade, Open Show or Sanction Show and a Breed Specialty Championship Show held under the regulations the following shall apply:-


(i)        There shall be at least one Trophy, Cash or Voucher and Sash or Rosette, for each in Show Award as follows:-


Trophy Minimum Value


Best in Show


Runner Up Best in Show


All Classes in Show


Best Neuter in Show


Runner Up Neuter in Show and Neuter Class in Show

Trophy, and a sash or rosette, given at discretion of the Affiliate running the show.

*vouchers are to be claimed within 6 months or value of voucher will be returned to club




THAT DOGS NSW Regulation Part II-Show, Clause 13.1, be amended as follows:-



13.1(a)     A dog shall not be exhibited at a recognised show unless an application for its entry in such show has been lodged and paid for online or received by the Secretary of the Club by mail.

13.1(b)     An entry for an exhibit can only be rejected if the online or paper entry is not received by the closing date of entries or without full payment.



13.1(a)     A dog shall not be exhibited at a recognised show unless an application for its entry in such show has been lodged and paid for online or received by the Secretary of the Club by mail.

13.1(b)     An entry for an exhibit can only be rejected if the online or paper entry is not received by the closing date of entries or without full payment.


*Sporting Disciplines that have limitations on Judges are not included in this restriction.


The Regulations in full can be found here.

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DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show Amendments


At its recent meeting, the Board resolved to amend DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show as follows:-
•    Clause 5.3
•    10.4 & 10.4(b)(i)
•    13.1(a) & (b)

Click here to view the amended Regulations.

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From Dogs Australia: Judges Contract - Amendment


In accordance with the decision made at the Dogs Australia June 2024 Special Board meeting (refer Item 5.2) the Judges Contract has been updated as follows:

Currently reads:
Other appointments accepted for the breeds/groups/classes within the State of the above fixture and within six months before or after the date of the above fixture are:
Be amended to read:
Other appointments accepted for the breeds/groups/classes/general specials within the State of the above fixture and within six months before or after the date of the above fixture are:

This amendment appears on Page 3.

The updated contract is now available on the Dogs Australia website by clicking here.

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Dogs Australia Regulation Amendment - Part 6 - The Register & Registration Clause 6.1.3: Addition of a Suffix


THAT the Dogs Australia Regulations Part 6-The Register & Registration, which currently reads:-

6.1.3         No word that is in the nature of a known prefix or deceptively similar to a known prefix and no prefix except the breeders registered prefix may be used in a dog’s name unless the following conditions apply:      The prefix of the new owner is permitted to be added at time of registration or transfer but must be added as a suffix and will be in addition to the thirty (30) letters or spaces as specified in 6.1.2 provided the dog has not been awarded a Dogs Australia recognized title, been bred from or used at stud.      The registered name remains unaltered with a preposition - e.g. ‘of’, ‘to’, ‘from’, ‘with’, ‘at’, ‘is’, ‘by’ - added followed by the new owner’s prefix as a suffix. This new name after this point may not be furthered altered. In respect of dogs born in Australia, only dogs under one (1) year of age are eligible. Only one additional suffix may be added.      The consent in writing of all the owners of the second prefix must be given.      In the case of an overseas Kennel Name being used, all the owners must certify in writing that they are the owners of the Kennel Name and that it is registered with the appropriate overseas canine control.

Be amended to read:-

6.1.3         No word that is in the nature of a known prefix or deceptively similar to a known prefix and no prefix except the breeders registered prefix may be used in a dog’s name unless the following conditions apply:      The prefix of the new owner is permitted to be added at time of registration or transfer but must be added as a suffix and will be in addition to the thirty (30) letters or spaces as specified in 6.1.2 provided the dog has not been awarded a Dogs Australia recognized title, been bred from or used at stud.

One prefix registered with Dogs Australia may be added as a suffix at time of registration or transfer provided the dog:-

(i)     has not been awarded a Dogs Australia recognized title, and

(ii)   has not been bred from or used at stud, and

(iii)  is under one (1) year of age if born in Australia.   The consent in writing of the breeder and all owners of the suffix must be given. In the case of an overseas Kennel Name being used as a suffix, all owners of that suffix must certify in writing that they are the owners of the Kennel Name and that it is registered with the appropriate overseas canine control.   The original registered name as specified in 6.1.2 remains unaltered, with and a preposition (eg, ‘of’, ‘to’, ‘from’, ‘with’, ‘at’, ‘is’, ‘by’) added followed by the new owner’s prefix as a suffix is added to the original name.  The new name after this point may not be furthered further altered.  In respect of dogs born in Australia, only dogs under one (1) year of age are eligible. Only one additional suffix may be added.      In the case of an overseas Kennel Name being used, all the owners must certify in writing that they are the owners of the Kennel Name and that it is registered with the appropriate overseas canine control.

The Regulations in full can be viewed here.


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FCI Show (CACIB) Show Result Documents


Following recent communications with the FCI Head Office, Dogs Australia wish to remind all Member Bodies of their responsibility to ensure that the FCI Show documents (Show results & Catalogue) are received by this office in sufficient time to comply with the FCI Regulations.  Please refer to Section 8 (page 11) of the FCI Regulations below, in particular to ‘latest three months after the show’.  Failure to do so will incur a 10% interest per month arrears fee imposed by FCI.

Please ensure all relevant hosting clubs of these shows are advised of the FCI penalty which will be imposed and ensure our office receive these documents in sufficient time for us to onforward to FCI to comply with their regulations.

Click here to view the Regulations

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Please see the Summary of the June 2024 Dogs Australia Special Board meeting here.

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