DOGS NSW Postal Address
DOGS NSW, PO Box 632, St Marys, NSW 1790, Australia
Office Hours
The Office Reception is open to Members from 9:45am to 3:45pm Monday to Friday.
Phone Enquiries
Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 3.45pm - (02) 9834 3022
(02) 9834 3022
Complex Address (not postal address)
The Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs
44 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills NSW 2748, Australia
Use Google Maps for instructions on how to get here
Overseas Phone
+ 61 2 9834 3022
Can your enquiry be dealt with by e-mail? If so please email [email protected]
Payments by Direct Deposit
Please use your invoice number or your membership number as the reference. Please do not leave the reference field blank. If membership number used please also email [email protected] to advise of application type being paid.
Name: DOGS NSW - BSB: 062-597 - Account No: 1025 4964 - Commonwealth Bank