Library and Archives Committee


Chair: Maria Wheeler – Ph 0409 988 901, E: 
Committee Member: Hilary Pederson - Ph: 0409226056, E:
Committee Member: Robin Mackintosh - Ph: 02 9632 2451,E:
Committee Member: Pat Thomas - Ph:  0416133712, E:
Committee Member: Douglas McKay - Ph: 0417406168, E:     
Committee Member: Tom Mangan - Ph: 0419620160, E:                  
Committee Member: Belinda Wilson - Ph: 0455505266, E:
Committee Member: Sina Castiglione - Ph: 0409327494, E:                 

THE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES COMMITTEE has responsibility for the development, management and control of the collection of books, journals and other items of current and historical interest to DOGS NSW members which are housed in the Research & Education Centre.



  1. To act at all times pursuant to the direction issued from time to time by the RNSWCC in relation to Articles of Association 88A, 88B, 88C
  2. To receive, collate and keep proper registers of all Library and Archives Committee property.
  3. As far as possible to ensure the safe custody of all items under its control.
  4. To raise funds for and accept donations to the Library and Archives Committee
  5. To promote all aspects of the collection of the Library and Archives Committee of the RNSWCC.



Donations which have been gratefully accepted over many years form the basis of the Library collection.  This is progressively being catalogued and becoming available online, found here.  The collection to date includes books, DVDs, magazines, science journals, and other research and archival material.  Sections within the Library include the 7 recognised Groups and the breeds within them, breeding, care and health, judging, show handling, grooming.  Also training books on a wide variety of dog activities, obedience, agility, retrieving tracking etc. and many books just generally about dogs and understanding dog psychology. We house everything from children's books, and light reading for adults, to a selection of detailed breed and pedigree resources. 

We also have a complete set of monthly Journals issued by DOGS NSW from its earliest days with the RAS of NSW and an extensive collection of catalogues from the Sydney Royal and some national specialty shows conducted in NSW.

The Library collection will be maintained to a high standard by continual repair, addition, discarding, and replacement to maintain the currency and usefulness of these collections and to make the most effective use of available shelf space.
The Committee plans to digitise as much as is suitable of the Library’s collections to ensure their long-term preservation while at the same time making them available for members wherever they live. The digitisation programmes will always be selective with due consideration to the size of the collection, rights, conditions, and resource constraints.

In addition to the library of books etc the Committee has an extensive and growing collection of artworks - framed items as well as artifacts, figurines and ceramics of various breeds in its display cabinets.  Of interest are artifacts associated with exhibition and judging dating back in some cases to the early 1920’s - Challenge certificates, Championship certificates, pedigrees, badges etc. of particular historic interest.


Members of DOGS NSW will be able to borrow a wide variety of books and publication and every effort will be made to accommodate requests from members unable to attend the Library in person.   


The Committee welcomes donations of material that will support research, teaching and member engagement or may otherwise be of value to the collection.

The Committee reserves the right to decline, or discard, donated material.  Donations may not be accepted if the donor wishes to place restrictions on their use or disposal. Any such limitations should be negotiated and agreed to in advance.

Once accepted, donated material becomes the property of The Library & Archives Committee and will be managed under existing collection management strategies.   

The Committee, may by arrangement, accept items ‘On Loan’ e.g. for display purposes.


The Library & Archives Committee welcomes financial gifts to support collection development aligned to the Committee’s teaching, research and engagement goals. Any limitations a donor may wish to place on expenditure of the gift should be negotiated and agreed by The Library & Archives Committee.  If it is the case that a gift is declined on this basis, the prospective donor will be notified in writing.


The Committee raises funds primarily by conducting Championship shows each year but also with raffles and the sale of surplus books and other items.  The aim is providing a safe and secure repository of selected material of past, present, and future interest that might otherwise be lost to the pedigree dog community. 

Our ultimate aim is to raise or receive donations to provide additional museum-type accommodation for the growing collection of artwork and collectibles.


The Library and Archives Committee needs interested and capable members to become Friends of the Library to assist in the cataloguing of books and to help out with many other tasks associated with the recording and storage of donated items suitable for adding to the collection. If you feel you have an interest in the preservation of historical records, the provision of information on all aspects of the dog fraternity and genuinely wish to make a meaningful contribution – please contact any member of the Committee.  You will be most welcome to come along, and your assistance will be most appreciated. You can apply here  

The Committee will periodically update and amend the above as required. (March 2024)


As the Library/Research and Education Centre is manned by volunteers current regular opening times are available on request: Please read the Weekly Woof, contact any member of the Committee or email:


A full list of Items available can be found here


Application to Borrow an Item
Application to become a Friend of the Library
Transfer Title Agreement
Legacy Agreement

