Public Relations Committee

The Public Relations Committee aims to promote DOGS NSW by focusing on promoting purebred dogs and responsible dog ownership to members and the broader community. Essentially the committee organises their activities with a combination of both promotions and events and meets monthly to address membership and business marketing issues as well as plan for upcoming events.

The PR Committee is currently responsible for organising the Championship Shows at 'Dogs on Show' and the DOGS NSW Christmas Show.

Committee mission statement

  1. To consider and report on matters referred by the Board of Directors. 
  2. To make recommendations to the Board of Directors on any matter concerning promotions or publicity which will enhance the standing of DOGS NSW in the community. 
  3. To endeavour to enhance the relations between the general membership and the Managerial structure of DOGS NSW. 
  4. To liaise with the Board of Directors in matters of public importance. 
  5. To promote all aspects of purebred dogs. 
  6. To encourage, educate and assist all new members in all aspects of Dog Showing/Trialling and the administration side of DOGS NSW. 
  7. To be the public arm of DOGS NSW at all shows and events held by DOGS NSW

Our Committee Members

Chair: Mr Angus McIlrath, 0418 731 858, [email protected]
Member: Mrs Sue McFadden, 0428 003 181, [email protected]
Member: Ms Susie Kearnes, 0412 496 460, [email protected]
Member: Mrs Tracie Donnelly, 0412 997 106, [email protected]
Member: Ms Rebecca Braid, 0409 959 716, [email protected]
Member: Mrs Mara Bontempo-Ross, 0414 498 007, [email protected]
Member: Ms Kathy Purkis, 0405 268 116, [email protected]


Committee Enquiries

For all enquiries please contact [email protected]
