Regional Committees Working Party

Working Party Members

Convenor: Mrs Vickie Harris, p 0407 837 150, e: [email protected]
Working Party Member: Mr N Curwen, p 0414 362 383, e: [email protected]
Working Party Member: 
Mrs M Hurcum, p: 0428 741 053, e: [email protected]
Working Party Member: Mr S Mills, p: 0417 466 673, e: [email protected]
Working Party Member: 
Ms S McColl, p: 0412 071 672, e: [email protected]

For General Enquiries: [email protected]

Meetings are held at:  via Zoom Conferencing

Please note: any item to be placed on the agenda for the Regional Committees Working Party should be submitted via the DOGS NSW Office for inclusion on the Agenda for the Working Party’s next meeting and marked to the attention of the Committee Secretary & Examination Administrator.


Working Party Mission Statement

Mission Statement 2025 There are 4 Regional Committees as follows:-

● Northern (including Inland & Coastal)
● Western
● Southern
● Illawarra & South Eastern

These Regional Committees represent DOGS NSW in their NSW regional areas and promote its aims and objectives.
Regions exist to publicise core beliefs, principles and ethics of our organisation amongst members, the general public, media, and major influencers including State and Local Government.

● Create a forum for Affiliates to present issues at Region meetings to be taken to DOGS NSW Board meetings by Regional Directors, who are the Board’s Representatives
● To promote to the general public, the importance of and benefits associated with purchasing a dog from a DOGS NSW or kindred body registered breeder
● To promote and encourage the breeding of purebred dogs registered with DOGS NSW or kindred body
● To promote and encourage the holding of canine exhibitions, shows, competitive trials and dog sports
● To encourage public attendance at Regional canine activities via media and social media platforms
● To educate DOGS NSW members and the general public regarding all aspects of purebred dogs
● To promote and raise the standards of competing in all canine disciplines
● To promote opportunities for Regional members to participate in education related activities such as Show Secretary, Ring Steward, Junior Handler courses, Lectures & Seminar
