News and updates

DOGS NSW Regional Committees - Mission Statement


Mission Statement 2025 There are 4 Regional Committees as follows:-

● Northern (including Inland & Coastal)
● Western
● Southern
● Illawarra & South Eastern

These Regional Committees represent DOGS NSW in their NSW regional areas and promote its aims and objectives.
Regions exist to publicise core beliefs, principles and ethics of our organisation amongst members, the general public, media, and major influencers including State and Local Government.

● Create a forum for Affiliates to present issues at Region meetings to be taken to DOGS NSW Board meetings by Regional Directors, who are the Board’s Representatives
● To promote to the general public, the importance of and benefits associated with purchasing a dog from a DOGS NSW or kindred body registered breeder
● To promote and encourage the breeding of purebred dogs registered with DOGS NSW or kindred body
● To promote and encourage the holding of canine exhibitions, shows, competitive trials and dog sports
● To encourage public attendance at Regional canine activities via media and social media platforms
● To educate DOGS NSW members and the general public regarding all aspects of purebred dogs
● To promote and raise the standards of competing in all canine disciplines
● To promote opportunities for Regional members to participate in education related activities such as Show Secretary, Ring Steward, Junior Handler courses, Lectures & Seminar

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From Dogs Australia: National Code of Practice of Responsible Dog Ownership - Clause 14 Amendment

In accordance with Item 5.9 of the February 2025 Dogs Australia Special Board meeting minutes, the National Code of Practice of Responsible Dog Ownership Clause 14 has been amended as follows:

Currently reads:

14. A member shall not breed a bitch causing it to whelp more than six times. (Amended 06/22, 4.2 – effective 01/01/2023) 

Amended to read:

  14. A member shall not breed a bitch causing it to whelp more than five (5) times.

A breach will result in all progeny of the litter being registered on the Limited Register and marked “never to be upgraded.

This amendment is effective from 1 June 2025.

Click here to view the updated Code of Ethics from the Dogs Australia website.
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From Dogs Australia: Regulations Part 2 - Judges, Section 3 Amendment: Effective 1 July 2025


In accordance with Item 5.3 of the February 2025 Dogs Australia Special Board meeting minutes, it was resolved that the following amendment to Regulations Part 2 - Judges, Section 3 passed at the October 2024 Board meeting be rescinded:

Currently reads:
3.2       The number of dogs any one judge may judge on any day (excluding Group and General Specials) is 250 exhibits, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body. (09/71) (Amended 10/12 – 7.5.3, 10/13 – 5.6.4) (Amended 10/17, 7.5.7 – Effective 01/01/18)

Be amended to read:
3.2.1    The number of dogs any one judge may judge on any day where that judge is only contracted to judge no more 1 Group (excluding Group and General Specials) is 250 exhibits including Sweepstakes Classes, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body. (09/71) (Amended 10/12 – 7.5.3, 10/13 – 5.6.4) (Amended 10/17, 7.5.7 – Effective 01/01/18)

3.2.2    Where a Judge is contracted to judge more than 1 Group on any day (excluding Group and General Specials) is 200 exhibits including Sweepstakes Classes, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body.”

Therefore, effective from 1 July 2025 the regulation will revert back to the original wording prior to the October 2024 Board meeting – noted below:

3.2       The number of dogs any one judge may judge on any day (excluding Group and General Specials) is 250 exhibits, except in extenuating circumstances with the prior approval of the judge and the Member Body. (09/71) (Amended 10/12 – 7.5.3, 10/13 – 5.6.4) (Amended 10/17, 7.5.7 – Effective 01/01/18)


Please click here to view the updated and amended Regulations on the Dogs Australia website

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From Dogs Australia - February 2025 Special Board Meeting - Meeting Summary


Please click here to view the Summary of the decisions of the meeting of Dogs Australia February 2025 Special Board Meeting.

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Attention: Members, Affiliates, Sponsors & Suppliers of Goods


On 20 May 2020, the Royal New South Wales Canine Council Limited was approved for the Australian Trademark Registration “DOGS NSW”.

Approval of the Trademark included the specific design/format of the words “DOGS NSW”.

Consequently, only the exact design/format of the words should be used/referred to and no other form of “DOGS NSW” should be used as this would be in breach of the Trademark approval.

Members, Affiliates, Sponsors and suppliers of goods are requested to ensure that at all times the correct reference should be used, ie, DOGS NSW (and not DOGSNSW, Dogs NSW, or any other format).

Thank you, in advance of your co-operation.

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Reminder to Members of the NSW Legislation, Prevention Of Cruelty to Animals, Timelines and Requirements


What is changing?

On 21 November 2024, changes were made to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979, and the Companion Animals Act 1998 to strengthen puppy and dog welfare by establishing minimum standards for dog breeders.

These changes are coming in stages and will apply to all breeders across NSW. They will improve the identification and accountability of dog breeding activities by mandating compliance with minimum standards to strengthen animal welfare.

Breeders that had more than 20 female adult dogs immediately before 21 November 2024 will not be subject to the maximum cap until 1 December 2025. However, they are not allowed to acquire additional female adult dogs above the number that was on the dog premises immediately before 21 November 2024.

Figure 1 (below): Timeline of key changes to rules for dog breeding in NSW

These changes will affect the following:

Lifetime breeding cap for dog litter limits and record keeping
A mandatory lifetime litter cap, setting out the maximum number of pregnancies and and types of births will apply to all adult female dogs. Breeders will also be required to keep records of all births.

Minimum number of staff for dog breeding premises
Mandatory staffing ratios for dog breeding premises are being brought in to ensure proper and sufficient care for dogs.

Sale or transfer of dogs
Requirements to provide identification numbers for the sale or transfer of dogs will be changing.

Animal Welfare Code of Practice – Breeding Dogs and Cats
It will become mandatory for all dog breeders to comply with the Animal Welfare Code of Practice – Breeding Dogs and Cats (Breeding Code) to ensure improved animal welfare outcomes for dogs in NSW. 

Maximum number of female adult dogs
A new limit has been set following extensive stakeholder consultation to address key risks and animal health welfare concerns associated with breeding practices.

Mandatory breeder identification
New mandatory breeder identification provisions will apply to anyone breeding dogs, whether regular breeders, occasional breeders or those with accidental litters. This enhances transparency of dog breeding activities across NSW and assists people in acquiring a puppy to know that they are buying from a reputable breeder.

For further information on these changes please click here to read the NSW Government document.
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Road Closures and Night Work on Luddenham Road from Monday 17 February 2025


Transport for NSW is upgrading Mamre Road between the M4 Motorway, St Clair and Erskine Park Road, Erskine Park to reduce congestion and improve safety and travel times.

A section of Luddenham Road, between Mamre Road and Elizabeth Drive will be temporarily closed for three-night shifts, between 8.00pm and 5.00am on Wednesday 19, Thursday 20 and Friday 21 February, weather permitting.

Please click here for more information.

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Response required by all rate paying members of Shell Harbour City Council and Uralla Shire Council

It is important to note that Shellharbour City Council and Uralla Shire Council are not alone in proposing restrictive animal-keeping policies; other Councils across the State are also introducing or reviewing similar regulations. These trends highlight the need for DOGS NSW members to stay vigilant and monitor any recommendations or changes being made in their own localities. By keeping informed and actively participating in consultations, we can ensure that policies remain fair, balanced, and considerate of responsible pet owners who already prioritise animal welfare and community standards.

You need to make your own personalised response to the issues that will affect you - some of which are listed below:-
The Shellharbour City Council and Uralla Shire Council have introduced Draft Policies for Keeping of Animals in Residential Areas, which pose significant challenges for many members of our community. While these Policies claim to address public health and safety, in their current form, they are overly restrictive and unworkable for responsible animal owners. We urge you to submit your feedback to the Councils and share how the policy could negatively affect you and your family.

Key concerns with the draft policies include:-
1. Restrictive Limits on Animal Numbers: The proposed policies impose strict limits on the number of animals that can be kept on residential properties, regardless of the property size or the owner’s demonstrated responsibility.
2. Lack of Provisions for Registered Breeders: Unlike provisions for registered racing pigeon owners, the policies do not include exemptions or considerations for responsible and registered dog breeders who follow strict welfare guidelines.
3. Broad Enforcement Discretion: The policies allow for enforcement actions even in the absence of complaints, creating uncertainty and potential stress for responsible pet owners who already comply with existing regulations.
4. Failure to Address Actual Issues: The policies do little to improve animal welfare, prevent aggressive dog attacks, or protect wildlife habitats. Instead, they impose blanket restrictions that do not address specific problems. Existing regulations already effectively cover issues such as noise complaints, stray animals, and improper care.
Actions DOGS NSW members take to maintain the safety and welfare of their animals include:-
  • Strict compliance with DOGS NSW regulations and regular audits conducted by the RSPCA on behalf of the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
  • Ensuring all dogs are microchipped, registered for life, and vaccinated according to Australian Veterinary Association guidelines.
  • Maintaining secure fencing and designated exercise areas to prevent disturbances and ensure safety.
  • Keeping extensive records for each individual dog, including detailed records of any dogs sold.
To address these concerns, we propose:-
  •  A consultation process involving stakeholders, animal welfare groups and registration bodies to create a more balanced and effective policy.
  • Clear guidelines tailored to the needs of responsible animal owners rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

We encourage you to act now by:-

1. Reviewing the Draft Policies: Visit the Councils’ website to familiarise yourself with the proposed changes. 
Shellharbour Draft Keeping of Animal Policy: DRAFT_Keeping_of_Animals_in_Residential_Areas_Policy.pdf
Shellharbour Keeping of Animal Policy: Council_report_-_Keeping_of_Animals.pdf
Urualla Keeping of Animal Policy: Draft Keeping of Animals Policy Uralla Shire Council
2.  Submitting Your Feedback:  Share how these policies could negatively affect you.  Be specific and provide examples.

3. Raising Awareness:  Inform your neighbours and community members about the policies and encourage them to voice their concerns.

The deadlines and addresses for submissions are:- 

4.00pm on 30 January 2025 
Chief Executive Officer, Dharawal Country, Locked Bag 155 Shellharbour City Centre. 2529. or email to [email protected] 

4.30pm on 30 January 2025 
Uralla Council [email protected] 

We need to act now in order to make an impact.  Together, we can advocate for a policy that supports responsible pet ownership while addressing genuine community needs. 
DOGS NSW has written separate official submissions to both Shellharbour City Council and Uralla Shire Council. 

We cannot emphasise enough, that members must personalise their own submissions. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, as your submission will not be counted as an individual submission. 
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From Dogs Australia: Overseas Judges - Open Book Exam


Please note the Open Book Exam, as referenced in Clause 2 of Regulations Part 9 – Non-Resident Judges, which became effective from 1 January 2025 is now available from the Dogs Australia website and is located with Regulations Part 9.

Please click here to view.

The form is also on the Forms, Guidelines, Listings and Procedures page. 

Once the exam has been completed by the Judge, the relevant Club is required to send it to their Member Body office for onforwarding to Dogs Australia.  The Overseas Judges Approval Board Convenor will arrange for it to be reviewed.  Dogs Australia will then advise the relevant Member Body office of the outcome.

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Press Release from Dogs Australia - December 2024


Please find the latest Press Release from Dogs Australia regarding contacting them directly here.

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