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Have Your Say! Draft Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2025

The NSW Government is seeking your feedback on draft changes to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2025 (the Regulation). 

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 (the Act) is the primary legislation that sets the foundation for strategic and coordinated management of animal welfare in NSW. The Act is supported by the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2012 (POCTA Regulation). 

Key amendments include: 

  • Revising the circumstances with which certain procedures can be carried out on animals such as declawing of cats, debarking of dogs and tail docking of cattle under 6 months of age. 
  • Prohibiting the use of glue traps for the purpose of catching animals but will still be allowed for use on insects. 
  • Improving the enforcement options by allowing the use of penalty notices for additional offences and increasing the existing penalty notice amounts for a range of offences. 
  • Implementing some requirements from the Poultry Standards and Guidelines to build upon existing layer fowl regulations. 

Tell us what you think

The draft Regulation and Regulatory Impact Statement will be available for public consultation and can be accessed via the DPIRD website.

Written submissions on the Regulatory Impact Statement and the draft regulation can be submitted via email at [email protected] or mail to: 

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2025 
Regulatory Policy & Economics - NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 
Level 3/66 Harrington St – Foreshore House 
The Rocks – Sydney NSW 2000 

Closing date for submissions 

Submissions close at 11:59pm on Thursday 19 December 2024. Any submissions received after this time will not be considered. 

