The growth in online pet scams is a disheartening trend affecting pet lovers globally. To help address this Perfect Pets - The Ethical Pet Directory now offer an up-to-date, easy-to-use resource where pet scams can be both identified and reported. Their scam list, confirmed by a local review team and international contacts, is part of their commitment to supporting our pet loving community.
Search the list of verified scam websites Use keywords to sort through Perfect Pets' database of fraudulent sites. Their Pet Scam List is updated weekly and contains websites confirmed fake by our international team of scam busters. Note that while they keep this as up-to-date as possible there are countless unreported sites and new sites being created daily. Click here to view.
Report a suspected pet scam Have you come across a suspicious site? Please take 2 minutes to report the site here and provide details to their team who will investigate. This can potentially prevent hundreds of pet lovers from being scammed. This is a real community effort that requires that we all do our part and letting Perfect Pets know about suspected sites is key to ensuring we can maintain the most current and comprehensive list possible.