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Veterans Class at FCI International Shows

Dogs Australia has received queries regarding the judging of the Veterans’ Class at FCI CACIB Shows and the following advice has been received from FCI.

The Best of Sex competition must include at least the FCI-CACIB-J winner, the FCI-CACIB winner and the FCI-CACIB-V winner. The judge places the exhibits in order of quality without taking into consideration which classes they come from.

Put into the Australian context, this means that the Veterans Class is judged as an ordinary class and the winner of the Veterans Class will compete for the Challenge Certificate. The Veterans Class should be judged between Junior and Intermediate. If a dog from one of the classes (Minor, Puppy, Junior or Veteran) which is not eligible for a CACIB wins the Challenge Certificate, the Dogs then eligible for the CACIB should be judged and that Certificate awarded to the best exhibit from those classes.

Obviously the two challenge winners will then compete for Best of Breed.

For clarification dogs 15 - 18 months can compete in either the Junior or the Open/Champion Classes. If they compete in the Junior Class, they can receive a CACIB-J but not a CACIB. If they compete in the Open/Champion Class, they can receive a CACIB but not a CACIB-J. The same principle applies to the Veterans.

NOTE:  We have identified errors in Regulations Part 5, Clause 9.7.1 (b) and (d) and the regulations will be amended as follows to comply with the FCI advice.

Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Show
9.7.1 (b)  - Remove Class 4 - Junior For dogs aged nine and under eighteen months. (providing the winner is over 15 months of age)
(This class is shown in 9.7.1.(a)

9.7.1 (d) - Remove the wording ‘No other classes may be offered at CACIB Shows. (Added 02/023, 5.11 – Effective 01/07/23’ from Class 12. 
(Wording already appears below Class 12 and applies to all other classes.)



