Please click here to view the Circular 24/2024 with advice from FCI regarding an increase to their Kennel Name fee.
Please click here for the updated 2024 FCI Fee List.
The Procedure for the Registration of International Kennel Names with the FCI Secretariat will be updated accordingly and this will be available from the Dogs Australia website by clicking here.
Please note Dogs Australia Regulations Part 5 – Conformation Show has been amended in accordance with the February 2024 Special Board meeting minutes – refer Item 6.13 (Clauses 9.5.5 and 9.5.6). These amendments are effective from 1 July 2024. A copy of the confirmed February 2024 minutes is attached for reference.
The Dogs Australia website has been updated with the amended regulations and they can be viewed by clicking here.
The new NSW Pet Registry system is launching next week on July 2nd!
The Office of Local Government is reaching out to request expressions of interest from DOGS NSW members who are breeders with accounts in the existing pet registry system and who would like to be involved in potential media opportunities. The breeders need to be based in Sydney, preferably close to the CBD, and who are expecting litters in the next 2-3 weeks.
We do understand it's short notice, but we ask that any member who fits the criteria, and who would like to be involved, to contact the OLG at [email protected] by lunchtime tomorrow, Friday, 28 June.
Thank you for your assistance.
Please see below the confirmed dates for the Sydney Royal Easter Show from 2025 up until and including 2030.
Regrettably, the decision has been made to close the Grounds around the German Shepherd Dog Area at Orchard Hills due to the wet conditions of the grounds.
DOGS NSW apologises for any inconvenience. Members will be notified of further updates as they become available.
At its recent meeting, the Board resolved to amend the following Regulations:-
Part II-Show
THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part II-Show, Clause 12.21, which currently reads in part:-
12.21 Use of Runner by Disabled Person (03/08)
(a) Upon application, the Board of Directors will consider requests from disabled Members to use the services of a runner to assist in the exhibition of dogs in conformation Classes.
Be amended to read:-
12.21 Use of Runner by Disabled Person (03/08)
(a) Upon application, the Board of Directors will consider requests from disabled Members to use the services of a runner, for one or more dogs/breeds, to assist in the exhibition of dogs in conformation Classes.
Please click here to read the full amended Regulation.
Part X-Affiliated Bodies
THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part X – Affiliated Bodies, Clause 1.3(b), be amended as follows:
Currently reads:
1.3 An applicant for Affiliation or Associate Affiliation shall not be admitted as an Affiliate or an Associate Affiliate unless:-
(b) being a club:
(i) that has in its Constitution the provisions set out in this sub-rule and appearing immediately hereunder:
The objects of the Club are:
(a) to affiliate with DOGS NSW;
(b) to promote and encourage the breeding of pure bred dogs;
(c) to promote and raise the standards and exhibiting of dogs;
(d) to promote the holding of exhibitions and shows and to conduct exhibitions and shows, competitive trials and dog sports; (07/12)
(e) to foster, promote and protect the interests of exhibitors of dogs at exhibitions and shows;
(f) to collect, verify and publish information relating to dogs and the breeding and exhibitions of dogs;
(g) to educate and encourage members, breeders and judges to abide by the requirements and standards approved by DOGS NSW for the conduct of exhibitions and shows;
(h) to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship amongst members and those participating in or attending at exhibitions and shows;
(i) to inform members of and make known to them the laws and regulations of the State relating to the ownership and care of dogs, and the responsibility of owners for the conduct and actions of their dogs;
(j) to hold functions and lectures relating to dogs and to the objects of the Club generally;
(k) to make awards and donate prizes for competition at exhibitions and shows and for the competition by breeders and exhibitors of dogs;
(l) to foster relations with other Clubs and bodies having similar aims;
(m) to promote and assist and to make contributions to canine veterinary research and other worthy canine causes;
(n) to invest the funds of the Club not immediately required in such manner the members shall determine;
(o) to carry on such other activities or promote or encourage interest in the breeding, upkeep and training of and the general well-being and improvement of all breeds of dogs and to do all such other things as may be necessary or conducive to carry out the objects of the Club;
Be amended to read:
1.3 An applicant for Affiliation or Associate Affiliation shall not be admitted as an Affiliate or an Associate Affiliate unless:-
(b) being a club:
(i) that has in its Constitution the provisions set out in this sub-rule and appearing immediately hereunder:
The objects of the Club are:
(a) to affiliate with DOGS NSW;
(b) to promote and encourage the breeding of pure bred dogs;
(c) to promote and raise the standards and exhibiting of dogs;
(b) to promote the holding of exhibitions and shows and to conduct exhibitions and shows, competitive trials and dog sports; (07/12);
(c) to foster, promote and protect the interests of exhibitors of dogs at exhibitions and shows;
(f) to collect, verify and publish information relating to dogs and the breeding and exhibitions of dogs;
(g) to educate and encourage members, breeders and judges to abide by the requirements and standards approved by DOGS NSW for the conduct of exhibitions and shows;
(d) to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship amongst members and those participating in or attending exhibitions and shows;
(i) to inform members of and make known to them the laws and regulations of the State relating to the ownership and care of dogs, and the responsibility of owners for the conduct and actions of their dogs;
(j) to hold functions and lectures relating to dogs and to the objects of the Club generally;
(e) to make awards and donate prizes for competition at exhibitions and shows and for the competition by breeders and exhibitors of dogs;
(f) to foster relations with other clubs and bodies having similar aims;
(g) to promote and assist and to make contributions to canine veterinary research and other worthy canine causes;
(n) to invest the funds of the Club not immediately required in such manner the members shall determine;
(h) to carry on such other activities or promote or encourage interest in the breeding, upkeep and training of and the general well-being and improvement of all breeds of dogs and to do all such other things as may be necessary or conducive to carry out the objects of the Club.
Please click here to read the full amended Regulation.
Part XIII-Code of Ethics
THAT DOGS NSW Regulations Part XIII-Code of Ethics, Clause 10, be amended as follows:
Currently reads:
10. A Member shall not breed a bitch that results in it whelping more than six times without prior veterinary certification of fitness for further breeding and without prior approval of the Board of Directors except under extenuating circumstances where application for registration of the litter may be considered by the Board of Directors.
Note: The relevant form can be accessed on the DOGS NSW Website by clicking here. Alternatively, a Veterinary Certificate which identifies the bitch by microchip is acceptable. (12/23)
Be amended to read:
10. A Member shall not Breed a bitch that results in it whelping more than six five (5) times without prior veterinary certification of fitness for further breeding and without prior approval of the Board of Directors except under extenuating circumstances where application for registration of the litter may be considered by the Board of Directors. for litters whelped after 1 January 2025. (06/24)
A breach of Clause 10 will result in all progeny of the litter being registered on the Limited Register and marked “never to be upgraded”, (06/24)
The Member will be subject to disciplinary action under the current penalty regime. (06/24) (06/24)
Note: The relevant form can be accessed on the DOGS NSW Website by clicking here. Alternatively, a Veterinary Certificate which identifies the bitch by microchip is acceptable. (12/23)
Please click here to read the full amended Regulation.
The DOGS NSW Media & Government Legislation Committee has drafted 2 documents as follows:-
1. Document 1 identifies the main concerns with the proposed legislation. This is the document that the Media & Government Legislation Committee are sending to all NSW Parliamentarians regarding the Puppy Farm Bill. This document is for your information.
2. Document 2 identifies the 20 major points in simple dot point form for easy referral. This document should be read in conjunction with the Document 1, above.
DOGS NSW encourages all members to follow up with their Local Member using the facts contained within those documents. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE, it must be individually written as it will carry more weight.
The 2 documents can be accessed by clicking on the following links:-
As this Bill is being debated now, it is necessary that our DOGS NSW members act quickly.
The CJEP Examinations Committee will be conducting Practical Examinations in the 2024/2025 CJEP as follows:-
16 November 2024
AM Toys
PM Gundogs
17 November 2024
AM Terriers
AM Utility
PM Hounds
24 November 2024
AM Working Dogs
PM Non-Sporting
To be eligible to sit a Practical Examination, you are required to meet the requirements of DOGS NSW Regulations Part III-2024/2025 Conformation Judges Education Program, Clause 10.15 & 10.16, which state:-
10.15 Should a Trainee not achieve a pass result in a Practical Examination, then to qualify to take a further Group Practical Examination a Trainee Judge must judge a further twenty five (25) dogs and examine and critique a further fifty (50) dogs concurrent with the training Program in progress, in accordance with 6.1.2, above, and submit the approved enrolment form accompanied by the requirements of this clause. They may then attempt the next available Practical Examination in that training Program.
10.16 Should a Trainee hold a pass result in the Theory Examination, to qualify to take a Group Practical Examination a Trainee Judge must complete all requirements for Clause 6.1.2: Module 2-Practical Experience and Clause 6.1.3: Module 3-Breed Specialty Show concurrent with the training Program in progress and submit the approved enrolment form accompanied by the requirements of this clause. The Trainee Judge may then attempt the next available Practical Examination in that training Program.
The full Regulations can be viewed on the website here.
The Application Form for these Practical Examinations can be accessed from the website here.
Closing date for applications is Friday 4 October 2024 and the fee is $114.00 (inc GST).